One of the most common problems people face nowadays is hair loss. Although hair loss is thought to be peculiar to men, it is also a problem faced by women. Shedding between 50 and 100 hair strands per day is considered normal for a person. If there is hair loss above this number, a specialist should be consulted. Hair loss can be reduced or prevented by various methods of treatments such as Hair Laser and PRP. Hair transplant operation is performed as a permanent solution for people who experienced intense hair loss.

Hair transplantation is the most natural and permanent solution to the problem of thinning caused by hair loss. The healthy hair follicles taken from the nape of the patient are separated into grafts and transplanted to the previously planned area in the hair transplant operation. Hair transplantation is a minor surgical operation. For this reason, it is the safest way to perform this operation in a hospital environment by expert and experienced doctors and teams. In addition, channels for hair transplantation should be opened by doctors.

Who Can Have Hair Transplantation?

Males with androgenic hair loss (caused by age, hormones, or genetics) are the most common patient group to whom hair transplantation is applied. For this reason, the most common cosmetic operation performed among men is hair transplantation. In addition, those who experience bare hair or eyebrows after a burn, those who had hair transplantation before but were not satisfied, those who have partially bald area after facelift surgery, those who have partially bald areas due to some other diseases, and those who suffer female pattern hair loss are patient groups that are candidates for hair transplantation.

How Is Hair Transplantation Performed?

After the area where the hair follicles will be extracted from is prepared for the procedure, the hair follicles are removed one by one by the FUE motor. The collection process should be done carefully because it is very important that the follicles are not damaged. Each of these follicles, called grafts, contains an average of 2-3 hair strands.

Opening the channels in the right size and depth affects the growth of the transplanted hair. The channels should be opened in accordance with the size and length of the follicles to be transplanted in order not to damage the follicles. The angle of the channel should also be adjusted well to obtain the most natural appearance.

The primary purpose of the entire operation is to provide healthy, permanent, and natural-looking hair.

A special bandage is applied to the head of the patient after hair transplantation. The patient is discharged after 1-2 hours. Pain, although generally very mild, is controlled with painkillers. Generally, after 3 days of rest, the patient can return to work with the head covered. The first washing after the operation should be done under the supervision of the doctor on the 3rd day.

The operation is completed in an average of 6 to 8 hours.

 Do the Transplanted Hair Fall Out?

Some of the transplanted hair fall out during the first 10-15 days post-op. Follicles begin to be fed under the skin. This is a very normal process. New hair starts to grow after 2.5-3 months. After this temporary loss is recovered, the transplanted hair follicles retain their character and do not fall out. However, the original hair in the same area may continue to shed over time and a new hair transplant may need to be performed in the future depending on the decrease in hair density.

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