What Is Cosmetic Lip Surgery?

Cosmetic lip surgeries are performed to give an aesthetic appearance to the lips that have lost their shape and fullness. Cosmetic lip surgeries are more permanent than non-surgical cosmetic procedures.

Cosmetic lip surgeries are performed under local anesthesia. These procedures are carried out either to augment, reduce, or shape the lips, as well as to eliminate various defects, such as asymmetries and orofacial clefts. The best lip shape for the patient's face is determined and given to by the surgeon.

3 different methods are used to augment the lips:

  • Use of artificial materials
  • Injection of autologen
  • Mucosal advancement

In order to reduce the lip, the tissue is removed from the incision made in the mouth.

What Should Patients Be Careful About After Cosmetic Lip Surgery?

Swelling, redness, and bruising are normal to be seen on the lips in the post-operative process. They decrease within 1 week and disappear completely within 2 weeks. The sensitivity of the lip tissue to hot and cold becomes very high after surgery. During the recovery period, warm and liquid things should be consumed with a straw, and excessive gesture movements and laughing should be avoided. Although all these processes vary among patients, complete recovery takes a few months.

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